Meta running for president too?

11/05/2012 00:00

Another name has been added to the list of candidates that will run for
president, and that makes the process even more interesting, especially
when we are talking for concrete names, is that of Ilir Meta.

The Socialist Movement for Integration declared that the next President candidate could be the SMI leader, Ilir Meta.

This is the answer that the SMI General Secretary gave during a press release when asked by Top Channel if Mr. Meta could be a consensual candidate for President.

“Why not, the law and the Constitution  foresees that whoever fulfills the criteria can run for president. From this view, the SMI doesn’t exclude itself from the right to contribute with all its capabilities for finding a consensual president. However, the name will be public after the political forums will have decided about it”.

Rama greeted the declaration of the Socialist MP, Ben Blushi, who declared that the Socialists need to cooperate with the SMI.

“We are open and we invite all political factors to join the votes for the European Albania, for the European Integration of our country, and for realizing all the reforms that are needed for the European Integration. We will continue to respect with correctness the governing agreement with the Democratic Party, because it is part of the SMI DNA to be correct to agreements and fulfill the obligations towards the citizens”, Luana Rama declared.

The SMI General Secretary also underlined that one week before the Electoral Reform conclusion deadline, the Parliamentary Commission must reflect on the official request made by the 26 parties, which also includes the signatures of Edi Rama and Sali Berisha.

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