Meta: Nishani did his job for the governor. Now it’s the Parliament’s turn

12/12/2014 00:00

Although important voices from the majority declared that the President
cannot decree a candidate for Governor of Bank of Albania, the
Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, says that president Bujar Nishani has
fulfilled his constitutional obligation.

However, even after meeting with Nishani, Meta left to be understood that the majority doesn’t have a final decision about Gent Sejko, the name Nishani proposed for the Bank of Albania.

“The President fulfilled his Constitutional obligations and the Parliament will fulfill its own obligations”, Meta declared.

Meta avoided answering about a canceling of the mandates of the Democratic Party MPs, but he spoke about the boycott of the opposition.

“I believe that the opposition has all the conditions to return in Parliament. The opposition must fulfill all its constitutional parliamentary obligations to the electorate and the country”, Meta declared.

The optimistic declaration of the Parliament Speaker for the interruption of the boycott by the opposition was given before the Parliament’s activity with representation from the civil society for transparency of this institution.

The Head of the OSCE mission declared that the Parliament is the institution where the electors should be represented.

“The Parliament is a central institution of democracy. The MPs have the responsibility to hear their voters and answer to their needs in an effective time and method”, Raunig declared.

The conference of chairmen postponed the closure of this session, from December 18th to December 24th, leaving one more time for reaching the agreement required by the opposition, which is in the limits of the deadline for losing their mandates.

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