Meta: New fiscal package supports agriculture

22/11/2014 00:00

The Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, guaranteed that the government will
always support those who invest in agriculture. Meta mentioned the
positive effects of the new fiscal package in agriculture.

“The new package stimulates the development of animal farming complexes. It will increase and motivate animal farming owners so that they can enter the market successfully. Costs will decrease, especially as regards the improvement of animal breeds inside our country, in order to increase production”, Meta declared.

The Parliament Speaker asked the Rural Development Ministry and representatives of state institutions to inform those who want to invest in agriculture and animal farming for tax privileges and for helping developing this sector, which would create new jobs as well.

The administrator of the Torovica Animal Farm, Martin Gjergji, valued the new fiscal package. “These novelties of the fiscal package encourage us to do more in this sector. I am happy with the new fiscal package and the government support”, Gjergji declared.

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