Meta meets Azerbaijan’s President: “Reinforcing mutual relations”

20/10/2014 00:00

The Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, started an official visit in Azerbaijan, where he was received by President Ilham Aliyev.

Kryetari i Kuvendit, Ilir Meta, nisi një vizitë zyrtare në Azerbajxhan, ku u prit nga Presidenti i ketij vendi Ilham Aliyev.

Aliyev focused on reinforcing the relations with Albania, especially for the TAP project, which will give bigger cooperation opportunities between the two countries, as he declared.

Parliament Speaker Meta and President Aliyev agreed for increasing the cooperation with the purpose of planning a master-plan for the gasification of Albania, starting from the Azeri experience in the oil and gas fields.

The Albanian Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, valued the relations between the two  countries and declared that Azerbaijan represents an important partner for Albania.

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