During his visit in the USA, the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, met with
US officials such as Eliot Engel, with whom was valued the role of
Albania as a factor of peace and stability.
“Albania is a loyal partner of the USA. We are with the USA in facing the Global challenges”, Meta declared.
In this meeting was greeted the Stabilization Association Agreement with Kosovo. The Albania-USA relations also have a strategic interest.
The Albanian Parliament Speaker also met with the Chairman of the Foreign Policy Commission, Congressman Ed Royce, and the former Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff.
Në këtë takim u përshëndet nënshkrimi i MSA-së për Kosovës. Gjithashtu marrëdhëniet Shqipëri- SHBA janë me interes strategjik. Meta është takuar edhe me kryetarin e Komisionit të Politikës së Jashtme, kongresmeni Ed Royce, dhe ish sekretarin e “Homeland Security”, Michael Chertoff.
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