While visiting the farmers affected by the floods in Levan, Fier, the
Albanian Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, declared that the insurance of
agricultural investments from natural disasters should be part of the
vision for this sector.
The farmers declared that the insurance agencies do not accept to insure farmers in areas that are at risk for floods, but the Parliament Speaker declared that this issue needs to be negotiated further.
Meta also declared that the help for recovering the agricultural economies has started by suspending the loan installments for two years.
Farmers complained about unequal distribution of donations. This made the Socialist Movement for Integration leader, Ilir Meta, to use irony against their local leaders.
The Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti, declared that it is important to not lose the production cycle. According to him, the damage caused in agriculture by floods will not change the expectancies in this sector, since every loss will be compensated.
“Despite the flood, our objectives remain unchanged. We will engage to reach the production quality and I believe that with the good will of farmers and investments, we will recover very quickly”, Panariti declared.
The Parliament Speaker assisted the handing over of some cattle to a farmer who had lost them.
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