Meta demands interim government. Rama accepts. EU and US Ambassadors to meet for reform

17/07/2016 00:00

The Albanian Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, said that although he
supports the version agreed between Basha and Victoria Nuland, “Venice”
and consensus are the way to approve it.

Meta said that having a reform without consensus is destabilizing in the long term. Meta said he agrees with the old request of the opposition for an interim government until the next elections, threatening to withdraw Ministers after the approving of the reform.

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, answered to Meta by saying that he agrees to discuss in the meeting of this Monday not only for the justice reform, but also for the interim government.

The EU and USA Ambassadors responded positively, but said they will go in the meeting only if Basha accepts to discuss the hybrid proposition only.

Rama also answered positively, and said he even agreed with the proposition for an interim government, saying it is worth it for the justice reform.

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