Meta congratulates Albanains from Pogradec

23/11/2012 19:00

The Socialist Movement for Integration leader, Ilir Meta, congratulated
the Albanian people for their 100th anniversary of independence from the
city of Pogradec, reminding the well known figures that contributed for
an independent and free Albania.

In a meeting with hundreds of LSI fans, Meta returned the attention to November 29th, underlining that without Albania’s liberation in 1944 there would be no 100th year of independence.

“We commemorate today Ismail Qemali and the Albanian patriots who declared the independence of our country. We commemorate today the Renaissance, to which Pogradec, Korca and Kolonja gave a great contribution, starting with the glorious figure of Skanderbeg and to 28 November 1912, in Vlore. Pogradec was represented by Isuf Collaku and many others. And without 29 November 1944, Albania wouldn’t have today the 100th anniversary of 1912”, Meta declared.

Referring to the future of the country, the SMI leader declared that as they deserved independence, the Albanians will also deserve the EU membership.

At this point Meta promised that the SMI would cooperate with the political forces in function of the citizens’ interests and not the party agenda.

“Despite the delays of irresponsible politics, LSI cannot change the others, but we can behave as an European political force and fulfil all obligations that derive from your aspiration to respond to the EU requests and never quit insisting for a cooperation between all political parties, so that we can respond to the Albanian citizens’ requests and not their political and electoral agenda”, Meta declared.

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