Meta: Basha’s double standards for Court verdicts

16/12/2014 00:00

“It is a deep disappointment that comes from Mr.Basha”, said Ilir Meta,
the first high representative of the majority that opposes the stance of
Lulzim Basha, the opposition leader, regarding the Constitutional Court
verdict which left in power the territorial map with 61 municipalities.

“Meta reminded Basha that he is holding double standards with the Constitutional Court verdicts. “They should not accuse the majority for double standards when they apply double standards. They demand respecting of the Constitutional Court verdicts when they go in favor of their political interests, and when the Court gives verdicts that don’t go to their own interest, they do not recognize those verdicts. This is not a serious situation”.

Different from the Democratic Party, Ilir Meta thinks that this map favors the opposition.

“They have the Municipality of Tirana, which will now double. No one stops them from taking this Municipality again, which is equal to any other municipality in Albania”.

But will the elections be credible if the opposition takes an extreme decision for not participating?

“Certainly, because no one will stop the opposition from being part of them. There will always be alternative candidates from the opposition. We will encourage the opposition to be part of it. We will not discourage them”, Meta declared.

“We must focus on June 21st and the Central Election Commission should be complete very soon”, Meta added.

Ilir Meta announced that the hearing sessions for the Bank Supervisory Council will be held this Friday. He said that the different stances between the majority for the Presidential decree regarding the Bank Governor show that the Parliament is functional.

Meta said that the Parliament will say the last word and no one should judge it.

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