Meta at the UN: “Committed to progress with key reforms”

28/09/2018 19:04

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, held a speech at the 73rd UN Assembly in New York, USA.

Meta underlined that Albania sees the UN as a multilateral instrument through which nations preserve international order.

“The UN has been established by a series of sovereign volunteering efforts, which have produced a body of codified rules and practices, which were brought as a common solution to our common problems. The UN doesn’t have its own life outside the will of its members. It is not immune to changes and developments. The UN has grown while the world is becoming each day more global. Democracy, security, economic issues, technological developments and the World Wide Web, the environment and other issues, are always more present on the UN agenda, and they dominate our internal policies as well. Albania shares and holds the responsibility of being active in this debate”, Meta said.

“While we are looking forward to a positive decision in the future, in order to open the EU accession negotiations, we remain committed to progress with our internal reforms in key areas. We also consider the EU a priority for regional cooperation as a necessary tool”, Meta said.


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