Merkel: “Balkan countries must be given chance to join EU, despite complexities”

01/10/2018 17:46

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, warned about the dangers that the world could face if leaders abandon the post-war order in favour of protectionism. With this declaration, Merkel went against the stance of the US administration.

The “Voice of America” quotes the German Chancellor of admitting that international institutions, such as the UN Security Council, need reforms. But having them destroyed without building something new, would be very dangerous, a threat to the peaceful world order.

“For the sake of peace, we should give Balkan countries the chance to join the EU, although this is a complex matter. When I read reports from our agencies regarding corruption in Western Balkans, I feel concerned”, she declared.

The Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, held a speech after Merkel at the UN General Assembly and expressed his country’s concern on what he called “a new confrontation line in Europe”, the Balkans.

“We are concerned by the desire for opening a new confrontation line in Europe, this time in Balkan. The countries of the region are being asked, with persistence, to join the NATO alliance. By intervening in their internal matters, European and US leaders are carrying out personal campaigns, attempting to make Balkan countries join the NATO”, Lavrov declared.

“In Kosovo, the military presence authorized by the UN Security Council has been replaced by US military bases. They have created the Kosovo armed forces while the agreement between Prishtina and Belgrade, intermediated by the EU, has not been implemented”, Lavrov stated, adding that Russia would support any solution agreed by Serbia.

Although he wasn’t asked by journalists, Lavrov spoke about Macedonia. He said that the appeals of the EU leaders to vote “yes” in the referendum are a clear interference.

The Russian Federation has a permanent place at the Security Council, the decision-making institution of the UN. They have vetoed every effort made so far for finding a bilateral solution for the Kosovo-Serbia conflict.

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