Mediu attacks DP and SP

30/03/2012 00:00

The leader of the Republican Party of Albania, Fatmir Mediu, accused the
two main political parties of cooperating for eliminating all small
parties, in order to damage the electoral equality.

“There is a tendency for eliminating the political forces; that of your political will for getting organized as individuals or groups. This means that your career and future will not be decided by merits, but by political subservience”, Mediu declared.

“We must react for not increasing media and financial inequality, and ask ourselves in what kind of electoral race are we being involved in Albania”, the Republic Party leader declared.

Two days ago, Mediu opposed the recent Electoral Code changes, saying that the proposed formulas would bring the further reinforcing of the bigger parties, against the smaller ones.

“For me, this is not a transparent process. The second damages the monopoly of the political life, not because of the citizens’ vote, but because of the formulas that are being added in this code for taking MPs from different parties and giving them to the bigger ones”, Mediu declared.

He also added that these discussions are plainly made on the technical aspect, leaving aside a very important element, which is the vote inequality and their just representation at the Albanian Parliament.

“I think that there is a relation beyond the normal compromise between the two bigger parties, and if it happens only for the code, it is due to their common interest for controlling their political life illegally”, Mediu declared.

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