Media situation

21/09/2013 00:00

The head of the Journalists’ Union, Alexander Cipa, held a press release
which focused on the hard times some journalists are having with their
payments in some media outlets, and mentioned another point that
according to him damages this relation.

Cipa declared that the major problem is the delayed payment by the media outlets to their employees. To show this, the Head of the Journalists’ Union showed a document taken from the Social Insurance Institution”.

“The contribution has been paid only for Aprila nd October in 2010, and nothing has been paid in 2011, 2012, for a journalist that is employed in an important media outlet. For us this is a scandal that needs to be investigated by every journalist, for the sake of their own future and for the sake of the respective institutions, because we fear that this phenomenon might take massive proportions”, Cipa declared.

Cipa warned another initiative of the Journalists Union.

“For this reason, the Journalists Union will publish next week a memorandum of requests for a cooperation between the Union, the Community of Owners and Administrators, and the highest institutional representatives of our country, in order to evaluate this crisis that has affected the entire media spectrum”, he added.

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