May 1st, Rama at the Job Fair

01/05/2014 00:00

On May 1st, the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, visited the job fair
in Tirana. The businessmen, who once were immigrants, complain that
young people sometimes refuse the jobs offered to them.

“As a business we want to be heard by the job market. We are giving opportunities even to beginners, and we invest in 6-9 months of training. We return from immigration with this experience and we find silence by the youth today. They come and demand salaries as in Germany, but they have no idea what Albanians have done abroad”, one businessman said.

Edi Rama met with different businessmen, and declared that the government has created mechanisms to put the Employment Fund in motion, so that the jobs can be created through the fund and other paths can open for increasing the employment possibilities.

“Happy May 1st. Today is Thursday and I am very happy that it coincided with May 1st. Rather than losing time in Parliament, we are here to talk about jobs and employment. I am sorry that the Democratic Party has moved from the Parliament to the Palace of Congress, losing their time rather than being involved in employment programs. We have 6200 jobs and I invited the delegation to come and try to apply for jobs. I heard a lady saying that they were intellectuals. I believe that 100 jobs that are offered here from the banking system is for intellectuals. This fair is a foundation stone for making a change in the culture of relations between employers and job seekers”, Rama declared.

Erion Veliaj, Minister of Social Welfare, explained some programs for encouraging employment.

“The employment fund is not used anymore for concerts and parties, like one year ago. Today, in the most difficult days of our economy, the employment fund is three times bigger. We will spend 70% of the fund to encourage employment f the Albanian youth, especially for women. We will pay four months of payments for every young person that will be employed from this fund. This is our first program. The second program will be for encouraging employment. Even this program has four months of paid salary, and 12 months of social insurance”, Veliaj declared.

People fired from public administration protest

A group of women protested today on May 1st, say that they have been fired from the public administration. They spoke with the Prime Minister.

Woman: I was fired. How will I pay the bills? What will I eat now?

Rama: There are 6200 jobs in this fair. You may enter and you may see that there is an offer for mechanic engineer.

Woman: I was working in my profile. No one hires me at this age.

To the protesting lady, the Minister of Social Welfare offered this fair for finding a job.

Woman: I was fired on March 29th

Veliaj: Are you ready to work in your profile? Let’s go together and apply.

Woman: I will not do those ordinary jobs. I had my job

DP: Fair, like the May 1st communist parade

The opposition compared the job fair with the communist parades on May 1st. The Democratic Party Parliament Member, Majlinda Bregu, accused the National Gyuard of using violence against the protesting women, who were gathered in front of the fair that the Prime Minister was visiting.

“Albanian citizens have faced the violence of Edi Rama today. Not only the women who were removed by  the national guard, because they ruined the Chief’s mood, but even the unemployed people felt the violence of this offending propaganda. The Prime Minister refuses to see what is really happening. Men and women of various fields are losing their jobs each day. Rama’s fair cannot give nice colors to the ugly reality of this government. His fair is a game of oligarks who only care about their power”, Bregu declared.

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