May 1st in Kosovo

01/05/2013 00:00

The unemployed people of Kosovo, which make more than 40% of the
population, have not been able to find the necessary will to protest for
their rights.

For many, May 1st is a holiday, while many others kept looking for jobs even on a day like this.

One of them is a 75-year-old retired man. “I’m looking for construction works. That’s all I know to do”, he said.

Although he is not happy with the government, he respects the leader and says that he has protested only against the Serbs.

The hope for a better life for the citizens of Kosovo, according to another citizen, will come after 40 years.

On the other hand, officials of the Ministry of Labor say that according to the official data, Kosovo has 262.531 registered job seekers. Despite the large number of the unemployed, officials say that Kosovo is not endangered by social turmoil.

“There’s no room to think about this, because we have a stable state, not a state that cannot offer special care, especially to the retired people”, declared Bexhet Gaxhiqi, spokesperson for the Ministry of Labor.

But the connoisseurs of economic issues have another opinion. “After the population registration, we saw that the situation is really alarming. With an unemployment rate of 45%, this is very concerning for a country that has a very young population and where unemployment for the young people reaches 70%. This shows that this generation is losing the perspective for a better future”, declared specialist Ibrahim Rexhepi.

The representative of Independent Unions, Haxhi Arifi, declared that still it is not reasonable to organize a protest. The two opposition parties, LDK and the Self-Determination Movement have reacted with several press statements.

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