Maxim Lico arrested

02/10/2014 00:00

The Police arrested last night Maksim Lico, the 54-year-old that was
reported on Top Channel’s investigative program “Fiks Fare”.

Lico asked orphans for sexual favors in exchange of money, shelter, education and food.

The Tirana Prosecution started investigating right after “Fiks Fare” reported the scandal. Yesterday they ordered his arrest, after Top Channel published the second part of the video, which showed the man asking an orphan minor for sex.

After seizing the material that was broadcasted on Fiks Fare, the Prosecution accused him of sexual relations with minors, sexual harassment and power abuse.

The Ombudsman had asked severe measures against Lico. The Director of the orphan association asked minors for sex and kept calling them in late night hours, promising them 10.000 ALL in exchange of sex. Lico also made similar propositions to the Facebook friends of the  boy involved in this operation.

The Prosecutors will investigate very carefully the activity his association has led so far. Lico risks 15 years in prison. The investigations will include even what Lico told the boy, that he had had sex with a 14-year-old in the past.

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