Mariana, Albanian nun in Amatrice tells her story: “An angel saved me”

25/08/2016 00:00

Her picture turned into a touching icon of the earthquake tragedy in
Italy. She was holding a cell phone on her hand, with blood onher face,
with a dead body by her side. Sister Mariana, Albanian, says that an
angel saved her life at the Amatrice monastery, the epicenter of the
devastating earthquake.

“My savior was a boy who was staying at the monastery and was helping a senior couple. I didn’t know his name. I had not exchanged any word with him before the shock of 3:36. I couldn’t understand at first what was going on, then I saw my bed full of blood and the chunks of wall that had hit my head. While the earthquake was still shaking, I tried to go to the balcony and seek help, but the door was closed. I ducked under the bed”, Mariana said.

But suddenly a savior entered her room:

“The boy held me in his arms and took me outside. On our way we heard the desperate voices of sister Maria and sister Josephine. They couldn’t breath. The boy saved his life. He returned to help them. Both sisters are now hospitalized”, Mariana says.

Unfortunately, other sisters might have lost her lives. They were sleeping in the most dangerous floor of the building, which was immediately ruined. After the tragic night, sister Mariana called her relatives and asked them to pray for her, because she was miraculously saved.

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