Majority chose three candidates for Vetting Law institutions

11/04/2017 19:30

8 months after passing the Vetting Law, the Parliament had now the duty to establish its institutions, but this didn’t happen.

The absence of the opposition made it impossible to establish a functional commission for verifying the candidacies for the institutions that will inspect the wealth of judges and prosecutors.

However, the opposition made their legal bound part and voted their three members of the commission, Vasilika Hysi and Ulsi Manja from the Socialist Party, and Luan Rama from the Socialist Movement for Integration. With this move, the Socialist party left out of the Commission Shpetim Idrizi of the PJIU, who had the votes of his party and of the Socialist Movement for Integration.

The PJIU didn’t give a final decision for the future of their coalition, but MP Mesila Doda warned that this is not good for their relation.

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