The Prime Minister of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, has removed all hopes for Kosovo’s UNESCO accession for at least two years.
“I will answer for Macedonia’s stance regarding Kosovo’s UNESCO accession. It is not about this year, and I don’t know if it will be the next year as well”, Zaev said.
From Durres, where he met with other Western Balkan Prime Ministers, Zaev addressed a message to the Macedonian opposition and appealed them to vote the law for using Albanian as a second official language.
“I invite the opposition to vote that law, because the matters that were disputable either they were within the rules of the Constitution or not, were outside this law. After voting the law, the Venice Commission and our Constitutional Court will have the chance to comment those things that are not part of the law”, the Macedonian Prime Minister said.
Zoran was also optimistic for resolving the name issue with Greece.
“We are following this matter through the UN and we hope to have a new proposition from Mattew Nimetz, who is the leader of the process. I hope that there will be some movements, because it is very frustrating for us to wait in front of the NATO doors”, Zaev declared.
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