The Macedonian opposition leader, Zoran Zaev, published some recorded
phone conversations between the Interior Minister, Gordana Jankullovska,
her Deputy Minister, Ivo Kotevski, and the former Chief of Secret
Service, Sasho Mijallkov, the Chief of Gruevski’s cabinet, Martin
Protuger. In this conversation they are heard expressing their
impatience regarding the Albanian population.
Jankullovska is heard in one conversation saying that she would be able to wipe Albanians within one hour, once and for all. Mijallkov agrees with Jankullovska and adds that for this they would need consensus between Macedonians. The opposition did not tell when these conversations were held.
The opposition leader declared that these materials show that Gruevski’s government is the main reason for ethnic tensions.
“Gruevski, you have cretaed crises in Macedonia. You cannot defend the Security Forces. Eight police officers died a few days ago and now we know why. You create crises, you work to destroy Macedonia, against the citizens’ will who want a stable, safe and European country”, Zaev declared.
The Macedonian opposition leader said that the massive protests that will start this Sunday will countinue until Gruevski is removed from power.
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