Macedonian Foreign Ministry reacts to declarations of Rama and Thaci

03/02/2017 00:00

The Foreign Ministry of Macedonia reacted against some declarations of Prime Minister Edi Rama and President Hashim Thaci during an interview in Prishtina.

Rama and Thaci declared from Kosovo that they do not to intervene in the
internal matters of Macedonia, and that it doesn’t matter to them of
Gruevski or Zaev will be the next Prime Minister of Macedonia. What
matters, is that the Ochrid Agreement should be part of the new

The Macedonian Foreign Ministry reacted by saying that: “Our neighbors who constantly try to shift attention away from their own internal problems by lighting fires with other countries of the region, are going against European values”.

Skopje advises Tirana and Prishtina to focus on reforms, rather than “creating division” in the region.

Although the declaration does not mention specific names, it is clearly related to the reactions of Rama and Thaci one day ago in Prishtina.

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