Macedonian Foreign Minister accused Tirana and Prishtina of interfering

12/01/2017 00:00

The Foreign Minister of Macedonia accused Tirana and Prishtina of interfering with internal matters.

Referring to the meeting that Albanian and Kosovo leaders had with the leaders of Albanian-Macedonian parties, Nikola Poposki said such interferences are not appropriate when coming from the Prime Minister or President of a neighboring country.

The Macedonian Chief Diplomat adds that such interferences would give wrong signals to the region, especially after Macedonia held democratic elections, and the next government is yet to be formed.

“This approach, in a country with multicultural traditions, is very dangerous and far from good neighboring policy”, Poposki declared.

According to him, if the entire region agrees that their future is in the EU, then they need to work together for the prosperity of their citizens.

He underlined that Macedonia has always been fair with neighbors, and that it would be nice that neighbors join Skopje in this path, rather than trying to undermine it.

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