Macedonia, surveillance audio show anti-Albanian sentiment of VMRO officials

12/04/2017 00:00

The Austrian daily newspaper “Der Standard” says that transcripts from
some surveillance tapes in Macedonia have shown an audio conversation
between former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the former Minister of
Transportation, Mile Kanakievski, about moving some residents from a
building  as part of a construction object.

“Take a look and tell me next week. If they voted for the LSDM, then the hell with them. If they don’t vote for us, we will do our job”, Gruevski is heard.

In a phone conversation with the Interior Minister, Gordana Jankulovska, she is heard threatening Albanians, who make 25% of the population.

“If we have to show who is stronger, we can destroy them within one hour”, Jankulovska declared, referring to Albanians.

The transcripts were sent to the Special Prosecution by the LSDM. The Proscution has verified 45% of the surveillance conversation, while law experts are verifying for law violations.


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