Thousands of Macedonians protested in Skopje against the political agreement that would allow a wider official usage
of the Albanian language.
The language platform is a condition agreed between LSDM’s Zoran Zaev and the Albanian Party, BDI.
Protesters sang nationalistic songs and held signs saying against the usage of both languages.
Critics of the agreement say this would make way for a federalization of Macedonia. The meeting also had slogans with death threats against the LSDM leader, Zoran Zaev.
Analysts say that protests might pressure the President to not mandate Zaev.
“Albanians have schools, even universities in Albanian. What do they want more? To take our country?”, said one protester for Radio Free Europe.
For experts like Mitko Gajovski, the encouragement of these protests, pretending to defend Macedonia’s interests, only aims to cause trouble for the power rotation.
NATO and the EU have appealed Macedonian institutions to cooperate and form the government as soon as possible, so that the country can continue with the realization of the reforms.
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