Macedonia, Gruevski rejects Albanian coalition requests: “No Albanian language on Constitution”

13/01/2017 00:00

Nikolla Gruevski, Prime Minister of Macedonia and leader of the party
that received more Parliamentary seats in these early elections, but not
enough to form a government, has rejected one of the two conditions
presented by Ali Ahmeti for their coalition.

VRMO-DPMNE say they do not want the Albanian language to be extended throughout the entire country, and they will not grant them the request for the Special Prosecution neither.

“The 25-party coalition ‘For a Better Macedonia’, led by the VMRO-DPMNE, confirms that we do not accept both languages in the entire country and the extension of the Special Prosecution mandate is also not negotiable”, their declaration says.

The party states they would rather lose the chance to rule the country, rather than admitting these two conditions.

“This prosecution is about justice. It is an instrument in the hands of a group of people, and it is used to blackmail politicians who fight for Macedonai’s national interests”, the declaration says.

The Albanian BDI released a declaration earlier today, with four conditions they consider not-negotiatble: equal usage of Albanian and Macedonain languages, NATO integration, EU integration and an extended mandate for the Prosecution Special.

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