Macedonia, Ali Ahmeti: “Political crisis may take four years”

09/03/2017 00:00

Ali Ahmeti, leader of the biggest Albanian party in Macedonia, the
Democratic Union for Integration, said for Reuters that the current
crisis may go on for years and it would be no surprise if some
politicians use for ethnic conflicts.

“This is a political crisis that should be resolved with political instruments, rather than turn it into an inter-ethnic problem”, Ahmeti said.

The DUI says that the stalemate may last even four years, when new elections will be held. But the Macedonian leaders are not ready to wait that much.

Prime Minister Dimitriev has followed Gruevski’s appeal for new elections, saying that the negotiations reached between parties for Constitutional amends, were not declared before the elections. “Not political elites, but the people must decide with new general and local elections”, Dimitriev said.

The Civil Initiative for a United Macedonia, a movement that supports Gruevski’s VMRO-DPMNE,  marched this Wednesday and made appeals for a united country. Same as other times, they stopped in front of the Prime Minister’s Office and continued in front of the Parliament.

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