The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, is still attending the EPP
summit in Malta. Today he met with leaders of high European
institutions and right wing political leaders.
In a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, Basha mentioned the recent political developments in the country and underlined that the only way to leave the crisis behind is creating a technical government that would create the necessary conditions for free and fair elections, by implementing the decriminalization law, the fight against crime, drug and dirty money, which are an open threat to the free vote, which, according to him, was proven in every election held in these past years under the Rama government.
Basha said that this technical government would have a complete political support to continue with the judiciary reform, based on the consensual amends of July 22nd.
During a meeting with the European Parliament President, Antonio Tajani, Basha underlined the importance that fair elections have for the future of the country. Basha shared the concern that in the current conditions with drug money tied with the government, there would be no free and fair elections.
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