Lower medicament prices

06/02/2014 00:00

Lower prices for medicaments in the free market, and also for hospital use.

The Council of Ministers decided to reduce the profit margin of importers and distributers, and also for pharmacists.

The profit of importers and distributers so far was 14% on the CIF price. Not it has decreased with 3%. While the profit of pharmacies was 29% on the price when bought from importers and distributers. This margin has reduced with 4%.

“Profit margins were 29%, have been reduced to 25%. Gross sale margins were 14%, and now have dropped at 11%. This change will make patients and public hospitals have lower prices for their medicaments”, declared Ardiana Capi, Director of the Pharmaceutical Directory at the Health Ministry.

The Health Ministry explains that some medicaments will have a significant dropped price, especially those that are related to blood diseases and tumors. Prices for cytostatics and antibiotics will also drop. The profit margin for these will be 6%.

“Prices will drop not only because of changed margins, but also through negotiations. The negotiation at the Commission of Negotiation for Medicament Prices were successful. No prices were allowed to grow, and some of them have dropped significantly, especially for hospitals”, Capi declared.

As for the domestic producers, the sale price will not change. The profit margin will be 20% on the cost of production, in order to stimulate the domestic production. The decreased profit margin, according to the Health Ministry, will affect reducing medicament prices for hospital usage. This means that with the same fund they will be able to buy more medicaments, eliminating this way the lack of medicaments in hospitals for lack of funds.

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