Lost 3 children and wife from the earthquake of November 26, 2019, Albert Cara: When I touched my boy he was still alive

26/11/2020 15:19

More strongly than anyone else, the November 26th deadly earthquake has hit the Cara family as 9 members of this family were trapped under rubble, of which only two were pulled out still breathing.

Seven others dies. Albert Cara is one of the survivors of the tragic earthquake of November 26.

He lost his 3 children, wife and his son’s bride. In the building that was destroyed lived 2 families of the Cara tribe, two ordinary people who had raised their children working as street vendors in the markets of the Kurbin area.

Fatmira was a girl raised in Thumana, while Albert came from a Mirdita family, which the communist regime had formerly interned in Thumane.

They had 3 children: Almir, Erisa and Hasan who inherited the name of the grandfather, perished under the rubble. For Top Channel’s Muhamed Veliu, the survivor Albert Cara has narrated the tragic event.

He says he remembers exactly every moment as he comforts himself saying it was the will of God and has accepted it as such. He recalled the moment he was under the rubble saying that he was waiting to suffocate from lack of oxygen.

He adds that he had extended his arm and touched his small child, feeling he was still warm.

But for an hour it got cold. “I thanked God for not letting him suffer too much,” he said in a trembling voice. In the end, Berti says he has started to recover, but again at dinner when he is alone, he ‘communicates’ with the children and his extinct family, knowing that they listen to him.

Excerpts from the interview with journalist Muhamed Veliu:

Veliu: “What were like these 365 days for you?”

Albert Cara: “Not easy. If Bert. I see them full, they have not left me alone. I had God with me. I have been active and I try to be active. To hang out with people. I am aware of what happened, I have anxiety. But so it came from God. The pain will stay strong. I have everything recorded in my head. I had no oxygen under the rubble. Under the rubble I touched the little boy’s body it was still warm. With the only one hand I could move. It did not last even an hour and it had become cold like ice. I thank God it took him quickly and did not let him suffer. Very soon I heard voices of emergency workers. In record time they came. I remember everything, even the trip to Italy. I then saw myself in bed in surgery. But I’m well now, as all they have given me mental strength”.

Fatmira was a girl raised in Thumana, while Albert came from a Mirdita family, which the communist system had interned in Thumana. They had 3 children: Almir, Erisa and Hasan who inherited the grandfather’s name. On the night of the tragedy, Almir’s fiancée, Diastela Steneci, was in the apartment along with a girl from Korça who would stay for a few days in Thumana next to her fiancé’s family. This whole family was all wiped out. The only survivor is Albert, the head of the family.

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