The two-day meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers will be used by the
Albanian Foreign Minister also for meeting his homologues in the
European Union, especially those who are hesitating to vote in favor of
Albania’s candidate status.
“It is about the credibility of the enlargement process that the Enlargement Commissioner is interested to defend and push forward. Albania’s case is a roadmap, and we are working together with the European Commission. We will take advantage of every day, every hour and every minute to work with the member countries, especially those that don’t have a decision as regards Albania’s candidacy. The foor for us is open. It is important for the reform process that are related to the rule of law continue with a high pace and acceptable speed”, Bushati declared.
Enlargement uncertainties seem present even for the NATO. The meeting didn’t give an answer if the summit of September 2014 will be about its enlargement with four aspiring countries, including Montenegro and Macedonia.
“The Ministerial confirmed the open-door policy that will continue. Certainly, it instructed the council to make a more detailed verification for the four aspiring members, and this will be a continuous process”, Bushati declared.
However, the open-door policy remains the key-word of the Brussels’ meeting, where Albania will learn about its candidate status.
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