Lezhe Commissioners to be prosecuted

09/08/2013 00:00

The Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission, Lefteri Lleshi, read
the verdict of this institution that approved in unanimity the request
for starting a penal procedure against 50 commissioners and ballot
counters of the Lezhe district, representatives of the main political
forces in our country.

They were charged by the Central Election Commission with the responsibility to manipulate the electoral result for two administration areas in Lezhe.

“The result introduced by the counting groups in the tabulates that the electoral subject hads, and on the falsified tabulates, were completely different. IN these conditions they have consumed the penal and the legal directory, based on article 330 of the Penal Code, has identified the respective disposition for electoral falsification and falsification of electoral materials”, declared Skender Vrioni, General Secretary of the Central Election Commission.

The Central Election Commission found the manipulation facts after opening and recounting 10 ballot boxes in Lezhe, from which it resulted thatt due to the deformations of the result by the Commissioners and ballot counters, the Democratic Party had lost one mandate.

By sending this decision with the respective evidence to the Lezhe Prosecution, the Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission, Lefteri Lleshi, believes that this is a step towards the consolidation of the rule of law and implementation of the Electoral Code.

“The transparency of the ballot boxes and the penal acts might serve for the next elections and all commissioners, so that we don’ will not have anymore such problems. The Commissioners should be responsible in what they undertake to do”, Lleshi declared.

With the articles of the Central Election Commission, the 50 Commissioners and ballot countries who will be prosecuted risk 2-7 years in prison.

This amend of the Penal Code was made last year by request of the Socialist Party and with the consensus of the Democratic Party.

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