Legalizations, Rama meets groups of interest

28/04/2014 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama,  held meetings with the interest groups this afternoon.

Answering to the questions, Rama declared that the promise for free legalization of houses for the people in need will not be put in question.

“The legalization process is important for the family and national economy. There has been a lot of disinformation. I want to underline that we will not allow anyone without legalizations in informal areas”, Rama declared.

“For us, free legalization is a process related directly to everyone who has built a house for their families and not for profit”, declared the Head of the Albanian government.

He specified that the building of a house will be treated differently from the building of a shop or hotel for profit.

“We will define the informal areas and will make the free legalization”, the Prime Minister promised.

“Our country cannot continue with illegal constructions”, he specified, adding that the privileges will be only for the first houses.

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