Legal representative of former prime minister is in serious condition after the attack with blunt objects

29/05/2024 15:50

Three people with levers and metal handles attacked this morning lawyer Sokol Mengjesi this Wednesday morning.

The event happened in the central area of ​​the former ‘Blloku’ in Tirana where the lawyer had just taken his child to the kindergarten. The unmasked aggressors ambushed him, as Sokol was walking in an area frequented by many citizens and covered by security cameras, where he was hit him several times in the head, leaving him unconscious.

The perpetrators then left on foot through the alleys where a vehicle was waiting for them. While the lawyer was urgently transported to the hospital, where it is reported that he is in serious condition and was placed in an induced coma.

The police have not yet officially stated the motives of the violence against the lawyer, but the main suspicions are that it is related to his duty.

For months Sokol Mêngjesi has been the legal defender of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha of the opposition DP, in the case of the privatization of the former sports club “Partizani”, and along with Klodian Skenderaj, they are Mirel Mërtiri’s lawyers in the case of corruption with the Incinerator of Tirana. He also has an academic career at the University of Tirana, and is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Law.

The violence against the lawyer was severely condemned by the University of Tirana, which in a public reaction called it aggressive and asked the police to investigate the incident. This attack was also condemned by the lawyers’ association  , which called a meeting for the event.

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