Legal package of anticorruption

09/12/2013 00:00

Not only prison for those found guilty of corruption, but also seizing of all assets.

This is the core of the draft-law for preventing and hitting organized crime and traffic through preventive measures against assets, which was discussed at the Parliamentary Commission of Integration. The majority Parliament Members declared that these changes mark progress in the fight against corruption, as the European Union has required

“Interest groups and representatives of international institutions should be part of the discussion at the Commission of Laws, because they can’t be at us. The structures of the investigating units shold be preserved, not only in the basis, but also in the center”, declared the Socialist Party Parliament Member, Gramoz Ruci.

“Why are you concerned about this part of confiscating assets from criminals This is good news that the corrupted people will not simply stay in prison for a few months so that they come out and enjoy the millions of Euros”, declared Taulant Balla.

However, this is one of the most important draft-laws that the government sent to the Albanian Parliament. The opposition was represented in this Commission with only two Parliament Members, the chairwoman of this commission, Majlinda Bregu and Jorida Tabaku. They raised the concern that the law planners didn’t take in consideration the recommendations of the international institutions who assists the Albanian justice.

“Certainly that the opposition of today, when in power, they initiated several important changes in the fight against corruption, and supported the suggestions of the progress report. It support the initiative that you have undertaken, but the spirit of changes here does not bring the fight against corruption, It is just demagogy. It hampers it and the changes will have no high-rank result”, Tabaku declared.

“I think that we will ask the removal of the draft-law, until it will reflect all recommendations of the international partners. We agree that this draft-law will pass only after all recommendations of international partners have been taken in consideration”, Bregu declared.

This draft-law will be discussed at the Parliamentary Commission of Laws, where there will be strong debates between the majority and opposition.

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