Legal battle between SP and the President for Dibra Municipality election date

05/08/2016 00:00

For the first time since their establishment an Administrative Court will make a decision on the validity of a presidential decree. It will have a say after the Socialist Party decided to request the nullification of the President’s decision to proclaim September 11 as the date for the local election I Dibra to be held, after the Constitutional Court decided to approve the Government decision to esonerate Mayor Shukri Xhelili.

According to the major party in power, Nishani should have waited for the decision to be published in the official journal; not respecting this step makes it unlawful. But Nishani said on Thursday that it was the Constitutional Court who made the interpretation of the decision, when sent it to the President. This notification fulfils any constitutional requirement for the President to proclaim the election date.

This legal battle between the Socialist Party and the President may also interfere with the Central Electoral Commission, the later is due to meet on Monday in order to take at least six decision regarding the electoral process in Dibra Municipality.

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