Lawsuit against judge Gjin Gjoni

24/04/2014 00:00

The General Prosecutor will verify the reports made by the High
Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets against the judge and
member of the High Council of Justice, Gjin Gjoni, who is accused of
hiding his assets and making a false declaration, together with his wife
and two notaries.

According to the Prosecution General, the 100-page case with arguments about 18 episodes that are suspected as abusive were sent for further verification at the Task Force Directory of the Prosecution General. Any violation will be sent to the task force at the Tirana Prosecution.

Another source at the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets confirmed that this Thursday they informed the High Council of Justice and the President about this situation, together with the Money Laundering Directory, the Tax Office, the Minister of Justice and the Parliament Speaker.

The villa in Farka is one of the objects mentioned by the Prosecutor General in the report, saying that Judge Gjin Gjoni has made a false declaration for an business agreement of April 2012, which involves 300,000 EUR. But the case has also false declarations for purchase and sale of assets that mount up to 300,000 EUR. This was realized by presenting falsified documentation and illegal sources. It will be to be seen if Prosecutors will refer to the Anti-Mafia law for as long that the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets claims an illegal source of money.

However, the inspectors are expected to be uncertain in some episodes, since some of the cases are within the law and others might not be object to investigation, since the new law doesn’t include deeds done with the past law, such as the violations of 2007 for falsification of agreements that mount to hundreds of thousands of Euros. The undeclared wealth of Gjin Gjoni, according to the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets, mounts up to 1.8 million EUR, 53 million ALL and 180,000 USD.

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