The disabled people waited once again in front of the Parliament,
insisting to meet with the Parliament Speaker, but they have not been
able to meet him for the past four days.
The Commissioner of the Ombudsman, who represents this category, also on behalf of the Ombudsman, appealed the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare to include the requests of the disabled people in the draft-law, and says that the draft-law has been sent to the Ombudsman, but there was not enough time to reflect about it.
“We are noting a concern of the disabled people and of their organizations. We appeal parties, ministers, the government and the parliament to not rush with the decisions”, declared Ermir Kapedani, commissioner of the Ombudsman.
The Head of the Association for the Disabled People declared that this law destroys the structures established by the associations of the disabled people, to not allow them to react or protest. According to him, the government is creating other organizations to represent them.
“We understand that the current structures are being removed because they don’t want the same resistance from us. They don’t want us to protest. They don’t want the same opposition that we made to the past government. They saw our potential before the June 23rd. The international organizations of the disabled people are members of the European organizations. We have leading positions in these levels, but Minister Veliaj doesn’t care, because he is blindsided by the interests of the organizations that he has close to him. We will fight to the end for this”, declared Sinan Tafaj, President of the Disabled People Council.
The draft-law for the representation of the disabled people will pass for approval to Parliament after being discussed at the Commission of Social Matters.
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