Law for online portals, Minister of Innovation: “Offensive comments will be punished”

01/11/2016 00:00

The government will bring back the draft-law for electronic trade, which will punish offenses made through internet portals.

“It is not that we have any deadline and there is no urgency for this, because there is already a law that operates, but these are technicalities that are getting improved. I don’t think we will be able to finalize it this session, but after January it will be in Parliament”, Harito said.

The law amends for electronic trade were first proposed this March, but after accusations made by online medias that the draft would damage their freedom of speech, the government did not take it to Parliament.

The Minister of Innovation says that the draft is based on the newest directive of the EU, and has been a wide consultation with the OSCE and the EU Council.

“We have certainly have taken in consideration their suggestions. The law is being consulted with all Ministries and the procedure will continue normally”, he said.

But what are the improvements mentioned by Harito?

“The existing law says that offensive comments online will be removed by portals. We have made a deadline of 72 hours, based on EU directives. There are also other similar improvements”, she said.

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