Law for energy, Hydropower Plant owners show claims to MPs

23/02/2015 00:00

The representatives of hydropower plants and various businesses were
heard by the MPs of the Productive Activities Committee, regarding a
draft-law for the energy sector.

Small producers asked a guarantee from the government that they will buy energy for 15 years, as foreseen by the agreement with the Albanian Energy Corporation.

The concessionaries also asked that the energy should be bought with a regulated price, different from the current of 7.6 ALL. According to them, this price doesn’t guarantee a return of the investments, based on the business plan that was drafted when the concession was received.

The representatives of the hydropower plant association say that they need clear rules for guaranteeing these investments. They underlined that if their requests will not be fulfilled, their businesses might go towards bankruptcy. The Head of the Committee, Eduard Shalsi, asked businessmen to submit their written requests for being reviewed before the law passes.

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