Law amends for turning Kosovo Security Forces into an army

07/03/2017 00:00

The Kosovo Security Forces did not turn into the Kosovo Armed Forces,
because it lacked the votes of Serbian MPs, which are needed for
amending the Constitution. This forced Kosovo authorities to look into
other solutions.

The transformation will be done by changing only the law for the Security Forces of Kosovo, by following the Constitution.

President Hashim Thaci will send the new draft-law to the Parliament Speaker, Kadri Veseli. It will allow the Kosovo Security Forces to receive all military competences foreseen by the law.

“We promised the formation of the Armed Forces three years ago. Unfortunately, the reality has remained the same for reasons that we know. The transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces should take place through a transparent process, through Constitutional amends. But the Serbian Parliament Members made it clear that they will never vote it”, Thaci said, adding that this reality is regrettable, and that it originates from Serbia.

Serbs and other minorities make 8.2% of the Kosovo Security Forces. This force was officially founded in November 27th, 2009. The first formation derived from the Kosovo Liberation Army troops, and during these years it has served as a force that reacts against emergencies.

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