Law amends for Customs scanning concession

27/10/2015 14:55

Manufacturing businesses will be excluded from the 22 EUR scanning
payment of raw materials, and also when exporting finished products. The
Commission of Economy approved the government proposition which
excludes from this payment also a series of other categories.

“First, we have the goods established in the transitory regime. Secondly, the goods that come from customs depot regime towards another destination, except for re-export. Third, it’s the goods that come from cheap storage and goods that come from cheap storage with re-export procedures”, Minister Cani declared.

According to the Minister of Finances, there are more than 150.000 customs declarations that will be excluded with a total business relief of 4 million EUR, which will be afforded by the budget. Still, Socialist MPs have reserves on the concession, which, according to them, is a burden left by the previous government.

“This shameful concession has nothing good for the state budget, but that damages the citizens. This is the scanning concession of vehicles. We all agree that it is a corruptive concession and we need to treat it as such”, declared Ervin Koci, Socialist Party MP.

The former DP Minister of Finances, Ridvan Bode, the man who signed the concession by denying the corruption accusations says that the government saw it necessary to pass the payment to businesses but not through budget.

“Don’t forget that our neighbor countries have made it with much higher costs. If you suspect of corruption, report them, investigate them, and if there is corruption, the agreement will be terminated. There are rules and basic norms”, Bode declared.

But besides the debate with the opposition, the majority seems to have debates within itself. Erjon Brace asked the government to investigate the concession, which, after passing in Parliament, sold 49% of the shares for 490 ALL.

“I still don’t believe that 49% of the shares of a 360 million business have been sold for 490 ALL. Let me have this discussion a second time with you. I want to know when there will be an answer from tax institutions and you, as a Ministry, must investigate this transaction with a concrete product”, Brace says.

The last agreement amends make it easier for businesses to operate without the controversial scanning concession. However, its cost for a category of businesses remains high. Besides businesses, individuals are also obliged to pay the fee for products they use for themselves, such as vehicles bought abroad.

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