Lack of students in the Agricultural University, rector: Branches in danger of closing, no new registrations

05/10/2020 15:53

Despite the need for agronomists in Albanian agricultural sector, the interest of young people to be educated in this field is diminishing.

The new rector of the Agricultural University of Tirana, Fatbardh Sallaku in an interview for Top Channel calls not only graduates to enroll in this educational institution, but also the government for an incentive strategy so that the university does not risk closing its branches.

“This is a loss for the Albanian society, for the governmental bodies that can be left without traditional 70-year-old professions such as that of isotechnician, agronomist or forest engineer, who are vital for the Albanian society. This is a call that goes not only for high school students to turn their eyes away from these branches but first goes to the Albanian government to see all the support mechanisms to preserve and stimulate the younger generation to follow these branches. Because I think that in Albania the main focus for the development of the economy is agriculture and tourism”, stated Sallaku.

Compared to previous years, the decline in student enrollment in some branches of the agricultural university is noticeable.

“A reason is the high average grade, second is the decline in fertility that has affected all universities. Third is the emigration of the new generation and the fourth, most important but meaningless to me is the lack of interest that high school students show for these traditional and vital branches of economics”, said Sallaku.

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