Kurti, alarm for Mitrovica

10/04/2012 00:00

The Self-Determination Movement leader, Albin Kurti, asked the Albanian
President, Bamir Topi, to undertake an initiative at the United Nation
and NATO in order to discuss a new ethnic cleansing risk that seems to
be approaching against the Albanians in Mitrovica.

Kurti has sent a letter to the Albanian President, in which he reflects the tense situation in Northern Mitrovica.

“The Kosovo Republic cannot bring this matter for discussion in international structures such as the UN and NATO. You, as representative of the Albanian Republic and all Albanians at the UN and NATO are able to initiate a discussion on the about the approaching ethnic cleansing risk against the Albanians in Mitrovica. We need a national political and diplomatic action, before the newest ethnic cleansing takes the proportions of those that took place in 1998, 1999 and 2000. Your help in these moments is necessary and irreplaceable”, Albin Kurti declared.

Albin Kurti sent two alarming letters to the central institutions, the Kosovo Presidency and Parliament. Kurti asks from President Jahjaga to declare the state of emergency in Northern Kosovo.

“Based on article 84.22 of the Kosovo Constitution, you can declare the state of emergency. As leader of the Self-Determination Movement and as an MP, I suggest to declare the state of emergency in Mitrovica. Kosovo and its future are measured through Mitrovice. After declaring the state of emergency in Mitrovica, based on article 84.23 of the Constitution, you would be the leader of the Kosovo Security Council”, Kurti writes.

Referring to the terrorist attacks and the murder of Selver Haradinaj, Kurti asked from the Kosovo Parliament Speaker to summon an extraordinary session.

Kurti found no reasonable justification for the prolonged holidays of the state administration for Easter and the Constitution Day, reminding that most of the Serbian massacres have been carried out during weekends. He added that the people live even during the holidays, and the Kosovo Institutions must always be on the service of their citizens.

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