The Former General Chief of Police, Agron Kulicaj, reacted after the
declaration of the Minister of Interior, who mentioned his name as
involved in the organization of a murder.
“I reject with repulsion any effort to implicate me in this scenario realized by Mr.Doshi or other people. I am open for any investigation or verification from the Prosecution or other law enforcing institutions. I guarantee my cooperation for clearing the truth”, Kulicaj declared through a press release.
The former Chief of Polcie explained that he has never had any contact with Fatjon Skenderi and Ylli Xhaxhallari, the people mentioned by the Minister of Interior as involved in this crime.
As for the other person, Ymer Lala, Kulicaj says that his contact with this person was only because of his duty with the State Police.
“With Agim Rama I have correct social relations. I declare with full responsibility that I haven’t met him for more than one year, and I haven’t had any phone contact with him”, Kulicaj declared.
“With Prosecutor Eugen Beci I have had work relations, due to my positions. Even after I left duty, we kept social relations and met in public events, including the Vivas bar”, explained the former second person in charge of the Police.
He said that this situation is created because the Police has failed with their investigations as decided by article 30 of the Criminal Code.
Kulicaj says that the Police should have reported the act at the Prosecution and continued with the investigations.
“The claims of Mr.Tahiri that these investigations were attached to the case of September 1st, when there was a murder attempt against Fatjon Skenderi, prove the omission of acts by the Police for investigating this case. Any claims for not referring the case at the Prosecution based on the obligations provided by article 293 of the Criminal Code are not based on the law and on the practice of the police”, Kulicaj specifies.
By the end of the declaration, he underlines that he is not involved in this scenario and that he is ready for any investigation.
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