European MP, Eduard Kukan comments the arrest of the two Albanian MPs
and requests that the politics not interfere. He demands that the
justice institutions investigate this case as soon as possible and with
Top Channel: What’s your assessment on the lift of immunity and arrest of the two MPs?
Eduard Kukan: First of all, I would like to say that the situation in Albania is pretty confusing. As soon they investigate this situation with objectivity the better is. During our statements together with our colleagues, we declare that the justice system in Albania has to be independent and without any interferences. But this means objective judiciary as well, that doesn’t have any political interference. I don’t want to comment the requests of the arrest warrants of the two MPs of the Parliament, because it’s always a dramatic situation, when the Parliament has to lift immunity for the MPs during these investigations. I know that the Attorney General was appointed during the previous government, before the actual one, that’s why I don’t understand this. Don’t ask me to make any political judgments, because that’s not in your interest.
Top Channel: Do you believe that the politics interfered to the Prosecution, as the opposition claims?
Eduard Kukan: I believe to the supposed innocence until its proved everything 100 %. Till then, it’s not recommended to come to such a conclusion.
Top Channel: Do you see this as a step forward or backward, for the decriminalization and the reforms in justice?
Eduard Kukan: When I was in Albania with my colleague Knut Fleckenstein we discussed the fact, that it’s better if we undertake some procedures that will prevent such situations in the future. I think this was important, was accepted and was signed by both parties and now they must show that they are willing to do it. Decriminalization, even though I don’t know if everyone in Albania approve this term, it’s important that the parliamentary MPs are clean, in their files and their consciousness, because they’re the ones that pass the bills, that regulate the function of the society. I think this effort is important.
Top Channel: In view of the negotiations for the December agreement, decriminalization of the Parliament is a goal of the next legislature and not of the actual one, what changed?
Eduard Kukan: There are a lot of important issues for Albania and this is one of them. There is a guarantee that the situation will be followed closely by the European Parliament and the two gentlemen who went there in December will express themselves, if anything goes wrong. But as I said there are a lot of entanglements in this issue. Once the prosecution files the case, interviews the two MPs, I would hold back before coming to such a conclusion, because better we don’t discuss their judicial procedures.
Top Channel: During the meeting of EPP in Strasburg, in your presence, the head of opposition mentioned the approach “clean slate”, explaining that there is a possibility of a dialogue with SP to resolve actual problems, but not of the past, like January 21-st or Gërdec. Do you support this?
Eduard Kukan: I will give you the same answer I have given before. In order we move forward with clean slates, it’s necessary to investigate and deal with some painful issues of the past. Without doing this, it’s not possible to reach a progress, for which wouldn’t be any doubts, or with any opened cases. For this reason, I think the investigations for the January 21-st should be carried out and should be ended officially.
Top Channel: Do you believe that there is any leeway for an intervention of the EU, as the opposition demands, or will you await the handling of the events by the Albanian authorities?
Eduard Kukan: We are discussing this. We are discussing this together with the Commission so we can find the proper approach of helping Albania. We still don’t have an answer and for this we are awaiting Commissioner Hahn. I will discuss this my colleague Fleckenstein, because it’s up to the Commission to intervene, if there will be a fulfillment of this request.
Top Channel: Are you optimist that Albania has the possibility of starting this year the negotiations of becoming e EU member?
Eduard Kukan: I think this will depend from the performance of the country and this will depend by the way they handle this difficult situation. This can happen at any time, but the important thing is how we deal with this.
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