Seven hours were not enough for the Socialist and Democratic Parties to
reach an agreement that would make the opposition return in Parliament,
but Eduard Kukan is proving to be very patient.
He met this morning with Lulzim Basha and came out of his office with a folder, but neither him, nor Basha released any comment about the meeting.
The content of the agreement seems to be the same, but the details are different. Kukan visited Prime Minister Edi Rama and Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta with this folder in his hands.
There has been no official reaction from the Prime Minister’s office. Meta said today that the majority has fulfilled all conditions of the opposition. He expressed his readiness for a stable solution, by remving the tension for burning the mandates of the opposition.
“It is not about burning , but about including them in dialogue. We need to divide our politics from the spirit of boycott and conflicts”, Meta declared.
After the meeting with Ilir Meta, Edauard Kukan returned at the Democratic Party where he stayed for 30 minutes. After the meeting, it is known that the opposition has added one request for the majority, and that is that the ruling party should never use the qualified majority of 84 votes without the consensus of the opposition.
Eduard Kukan confirmed for Top Channel that no result has been reached, but he said that it cannot be called a failure yet.
When with Europeans, Mr.Basha i smore careful with his answers in Albanian or in English alike, by confirming that the negotiations are undergoing.
It is confirmed that Kukan’s next station is Brussels and there might be negotiations through phone.
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