Kruja Mayor, Artur Bushi, comes clean after decriminalization investigation

03/12/2016 00:00

The Mayor of Kruja, Artur Bushi, was investigated by the Prosecution
based on the decriminalization law, and was certified after seven months
as clean.

Top Channel has obtained the document through which the Prosecution answers to the request of the Central Electoral Commission, stating that Artur Bushi will not be suspended by the decriminalization law.

The Mayor had declared that he had been taken under custody by the Italian police, twice. Once in 1996, suspected of prostitution. Once in 2010, suspected for drug traffic.

But both cases against him were closed, and his criminal record in Italy is clean.The Prosecution states that he was released in 1996 immediately after being arrested.

Bushi was accused by the Democratic Party of having committed crimes in Italy under the name Kastriot Cakoni. However, CEC has investigated him only for the name Artur Bushi.

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