Kotzias “offers advise” to Hahn: “Cham case doesn’t exist”

10/10/2016 00:00

The declaration regarding the Cham case, released by the EU Enlargement
Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, makes Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos
Kotzias, still holding a grudge.

In an open letter sent to the Commissioner this Sunday evening, Kotizas notes that the approach of Mr.Hahn for including inexistent cases in the agenda, intentionally or accidentally, goes against the Commission’s function.

“Dialogue is part of Albania’s integration and getting closer to an EU member. This is part of our agenda and it is encouraged by us. The dialogue also aims the strengthening of bilateral relations between our countries”, Kotzias declared.

“I reiterate once again our constant position regarding this matter. For Greece, the Cham case doesn’t exist. As result, there has never been and never will be such a case in the Albanian Greek agenda”, Kotzias declared.  

“I ask the Commission, which held a stance so unilaterally and superficially, without consulting or investigating about the case, to show restraint especially when it is about matters on which we have often held public stances,not only for Commissioner Hahn, but also for the service and policy of the commission”, Kotzias says.

The Greek Foreign Minister warns the Commissioner that if he adopts and encourages policies of those who insist about the existence of this case, it would be equal to a revisionist reading of the European history, fuel for irredentist movements throughout Europe and that would bring to surface matters that have been closed forever, after the World War II.

Kotzias invites Commissioner Hahn to not damage the relations between Greece and the Commission. He also invites Albania to stay to the level of a candidate country and focus on EU integration reforms.

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