Kosovo towards full independence

20/04/2011 19:55

The Parliamentary Commission that will prepare the amendments for the Kosovo Constitution will not work only for the election of the President by the people.

The Commission will also work on the removal of the international presence from Kosovo, establishing a full independence and not a supervised one, like it is today.

This stance was confirmed today by the Prime Minister Thaçi.

“These amendments, beside the election reform, should also contain a constitutional reform, amendments that would accelerate the strengthening of the democratic state, the Euro-Atlantic perspective, the multiethnic society and the closure of the supervised Kosovo independence”, Thaçi declared on the government meeting.

The new Vice Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi, softened Thaçi’s declaration on this matter.

Kuçi clarified that the supervised independence will gradually be reduced along the growth of Kosovo state capacities.

“It is not in the benefit of Kosovo to have a permanent international presence, but this means that the growth of our capacities, our approach to NATO and EU, should decrease our need of the international supervision. This does not mean that we are against EU, but this means that we are growing our capacities and we function as every other state in Europe”, Kuçi confirmed.

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