Kosovo, Thaci: “Serbia will keep provoking until recognizing independence”

18/01/2017 00:00

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said that the Serbian government
will continue with provocations until they recognize Kosovo and give up
from nationalistic policies.

Thaci explained that stopping the Serbian propaganda train was a sovereign decision from Kosovo authorities, after they informed international authorities about it.

After the US Embassy, the German diplomacy also released a statement supporting Kosovo’s decision:

“Kosovo, as an independent state, has the right to decide who enters their border checkpoints. Germany has recognized Kosovo as independent, and this includes Northern Kosovo too”, said the German Ambassador, Angelika Viets.

Viets alspo spoke about the wall in Northern Mitrovica, supported by Belgrade, saying: “It is sad that the government of Kosovo will have to constantly face problems imposed by others”.

Kosovo officials say that the wall will be demolished, although they have not decided when. Kosovo media report that the Serbian Ministry of Defense is distributing flyers in Northern Mitrovica, appealing citizens for military mobilization.

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